Position paper

Self-Care in a Digital World: Harnessing Online Advertising for Better Healthcare
Advertising Digital E-Commerce Position paper

Self-Care in a Digital World: Harnessing Online Advertising for Better Healthcare

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Patient Information Leaflets: Putting Patients First
Digital ePI Joint Statement Position paper

Patient Information Leaflets: Putting Patients First

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From paper to digital leaflets: making patient information more inclusive
Digital ePI Position paper Study

From paper to digital leaflets: making patient information more inclusive

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EU Pharma Law Review: AESGP submits position of OTC sector to the European Commission
Pharma Law Position paper

EU Pharma Law Review: AESGP submits position of OTC sector to the European Commission

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E-Commerce: A level playing field for online and physical sales of self-care products
Digital E-Commerce Position paper Press release

E-Commerce: A level playing field for online and physical sales of self-care products

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Reply to the Feedback Procedure on the Commission's Proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste
Environment Packaging Position paper

Reply to the Feedback Procedure on the Commission's Proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste

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Reply to European Commission’s Regulation Proposal on the European Health Data Space
Digital European Health Data Space Health Data Position paper

Reply to European Commission’s Regulation Proposal on the European Health Data Space

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Reply to European Commission's Regulation Proposal on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Digital eHealth Health Data Position paper

Reply to European Commission's Regulation Proposal on Artificial Intelligence

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Reply on the Evaluation and Revision of Pharma Law
Health Union Pharma Law Pharma Strategy Position paper

Reply on the Evaluation and Revision of Pharma Law

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Position on Paving the way for the digitalisation of the self-care sector
Digital eHealth Position paper

Position on Paving the way for the digitalisation of the self-care sector

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Reply to European Commission’s Inception Impact Assessment on a European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)
Health Union Position paper

Reply to European Commission’s Inception Impact Assessment on a European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)

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Position on a reinforced EMA mandate (European Health Union)
EMA Health Union Position paper

Position on a reinforced EMA mandate (European Health Union)

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AESGP, EFPIA and Medicines for Europe reflections on EMA – HMA – EC Key principles for electronic product information
ePI Position paper

AESGP, EFPIA and Medicines for Europe reflections on EMA – HMA – EC Key principles for electronic product information

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Reply to European Commission’s Roadmap on Health Data Space
Health Data Position paper

Reply to European Commission’s Roadmap on Health Data Space

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Reply to European Commission’s Roadmap for the Pharmaceutical Strategy
Environment Pharma Strategy Position paper

Reply to European Commission’s Roadmap for the Pharmaceutical Strategy

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Position Paper on Shortages of medicinal products for citizens in Europe
Position paper Self-care Shortages

Position Paper on Shortages of medicinal products for citizens in Europe

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Position Paper on Rule 21 of the MDR
Medical Devices Position paper

Position Paper on Rule 21 of the MDR

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AESGP - Medicines for Europe Joint Position: Why is now the right time to modernise the EU variations system?
EU variations system Position paper

AESGP - Medicines for Europe Joint Position: Why is now the right time to modernise the EU variations system?

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Position Paper on Antimicrobial Resistance
Environment OTC Position paper Press release Self-care

Position Paper on Antimicrobial Resistance

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Position on the implications of the UK exit from the European Union
Brexit EMA Medical Devices OTC Position paper Self-care

Position on the implications of the UK exit from the European Union

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Position Paper on Rule 14 of the MDR
Medical Devices Position paper

Position Paper on Rule 14 of the MDR

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