Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint discussion paper on Future governance of medical technologies in Europe (2025)
Joint Statements/Positions
Article 10a MDR / IVDR: Notification in Case of Interruption or Discontinuation of Supply – Decision Guide Flowchart (2025)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Statement on A Call for Effective Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Building during the Implementation of the European Health Data Space (2025)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Paper on Clinical strategy as part of pre-submission dialogue between manufacturer and Notified Body (2025)
Joint Statements/Positions
Inter-Association Task Force Position Papers on Electronic Product Information (2025)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint statement from the human pharmaceutical industry on the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (2024)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint stakeholder statement on the implementation of the EHDS (2024)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Position Paper on Patient information on medicinal products – how to make it patient-centric? (2024)
Joint Statements/Positions
Multi-stakeholder statement on "Draft text of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in trilogues sparks deep concerns in the European healthcare ecosystem" (2024)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint statement supporting the expansion of the use of Electronic Instructions For Use (eIFU) in the medical devices sector (2024)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint open letter: In anticipation of EUDAMED availability for mandatory use (2023)
Joint Statements/Positions
Stakeholder coalition calls for legislative refinement of the EHDS (2023)
Medical Devices - Manufacturer’s Declaration in relation to Regulation (EU) 2023/607
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Statement on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation's Single Market Legal Basis (2023)
Joint Statements/Positions
White Paper “Balancing challenges on Environment with access to medicines in Europe”: Impact assessment of policy options for Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and the use of Extended Producer Responsibility applied to human medicines (2023)
Joint Statements/Positions
Extended Environmental Risk Assessment (eERA) proposal: Proactively managing the environmental risks associated with the patient use of human medicinal products (2023)
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Statement on the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Proposal (2022)
Joint Statements/Positions
Inter-Association Policy Statement on Responsible Manufacturing Effluent Management (2022)
Joint Statements/Positions
European Stakeholder Group Statement - Maintaining the exchange of critical health data
Joint Statements/Positions
AESGP, EFPIA and Medicines for Europe reflections on EMA – HMA – EC Key principles for electronic product information
Joint Statements/Positions
European Pharmaceutical Industry Statement on the Update on the Progress and Implementation of the EU Strategic Approach to Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint EU-UK pharmaceutical industry response to Specialised Committee outcome
Joint Statements/Positions
EU Health Coalition: 10 recommendations to build a stronger EU Health Union
Joint Statements/Positions
EU Pharma Industry's joint statement on the European Parliament’s Resolution on Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Joint Statements/Positions
Joint Letter on the Need for a Mutual Recognition Agreement between the EU and UK
Joint Statements/Positions
European Industry trade and supply chain needs to respond to COVID-19
Joint Statements/Positions
EU Health Coalition calls for more solidarity and coordinated EU action to tackle COVID-19
Joint Statements/Positions