From all of us at EFPIA to everyone at AESGP, a very happy 60th Anniversary! It is always incredibly effective and a true pleasure to work with AESGP. Indeed, working with AESGP has always been key to EFPIA’s staff and members as together with the generics industry, we represent the European pharmaceutical industry. One key area of collaboration has been around minimising the impact of the European pharmaceutical industry on the environment. Our industry is committed to continue to play an active role in addressing concerns around risks associated with Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PiE). Minimising the impact of medicines on the environment while safeguarding access to effective treatments for patients is a critical issue across all sectors of healthcare. We know that a collaborative approach allows us to increase our mutual knowledge and understanding of how to proactively address any potential risks imposed by the presence of PiE and to this end we are proud to have collaborated closely with AESGP and Medicines for Europe to develop the Eco-Pharmaco-Stewardship (EPS) framework that applies the widely accepted principles of product stewardship and is implemented across the industry and with broader stakeholders in the healthcare and environmental sector. We are excited to continue our collaboration with AESGP and other partners to find solutions to minimise the impact of medicines on the environment and contribute to building a greener future.