João Almeida Lopes, President, Apifarma

In 2024, we mark three major health milestones: In Portugal, 85th years of APIFARMA, providing innovative medicines and OTCs to serve patients with more and better health. The National Health Service – SNS – which marks 50th years of service to all citizens, in which health is a constitutional right of all Portuguese and/or residents in Portugal. And we add to these celebrations the 60th years of AESGP, which works every day to empower sustainable self-care in Europe. The mission of increasing people’s literacy and ensuring confidence in OTC medicines, with total quality, safety, and efficacy, is already an achievement, but remains one of the great global challenges for even greater citizen responsibility in the future. 60th years of fruitful collaboration and getting permanent exchanges of experiences between all countries.

We hope to continue our collaborative work with increasingly literacy, positive results, and to emphasize the support to everyone’s access, effective and sustainable self-care in Europe, empowering people to take better care of their own and their families’ health.