Our Strategy
We aspire to lead and champion self-care, to ultimately contribute to the sustainability of European healthcare systems. To fulfil our mission, we work to align our membership and engage with policymakers, regulators and other stakeholders to create a safe and supportive environment.
We focus on the following four strategic objectives:
1) Promote the individual, societal and economic value and benefits of self-care
At AESGP, we think ‘individuals first’ through our every action. Individuals can expect that self-care products manufactured by our member companies are safe and effective in addressing their health needs as well as bring value to European health systems. Self-care enables individuals to carry on normal life (go to work/school, play sports, care for children, travel, etc.) and contributes to their wellbeing. By responsible self-care, unnecessary visits to the doctor or hospital emergency departments can be avoided, thus helping busy doctor practices to cope with complex cases and reduce waiting times. It also contributes to reducing illness-related absenteeism at work, increasing thus workplace productivity.
2) Proactively shape the regulatory, legislative, political and economic framework where the consumer healthcare industry operates, with focus on non-prescription medicines, substance-based medical devices and food supplements
We promote evidence-based regulation and legislation that constantly evolves with the advancement of scientific evidence and recognise empowerment of individuals. We use the best available scientific evidence supported by sound data to guide our daily work.
3) Build greater trust in self-care and be recognised as a responsible industry
We work in an open manner towards our members and stakeholders. It supports our accountability, in particular with policy makers, regulators and consumers, and builds trust in consumer healthcare products and consumer healthcare industry.
4) Strengthen and develop a holistic network encompassing all relevant stakeholders and serve as a platform for Member Associations
We are a recognised voice for the European consumer healthcare industry. As a network of national associations and consumer healthcare companies, we are greater than the sum of individuals. Our members share common values and goals and actively participate in setting our policies and making decisions.