Herbal Medicines and Homeopathy

Herbal Medicines and Homeopathy

Real-World Data - Real-Word Evidence and herbal extract combinations

The joint meeting of the AESGP Herbal Medicinal Products Committee (HMPC) with the EMA Herbal Medicinal Products Committee (HMPC) was the occasion for the industry to present its proposal on extract combinations. 

AESGP presented the status of its work on Real-World Data (RWD) – Real-Word Evidence (RWE) as well as the challenges for the non-prescription sector due to a lack of registries. The topic is of mutual interest for the self-care industry and the EMA HMPC which has reflected it in its workplan. It was agreed that dialogue should continue on this topic reflecting the current developments.

AESGP responded to a call for data and a call for input on draft guidance and monographs authored by the HMPC.

Herbal Medicines and Homeopathy

Gathering experts on homeopathic issues

AESGP saw its endeavours for calling, on behalf of the homeopathic industry, for a meeting with the Heads of Medicine Agencies’ Homeopathic Medicinal Products Working Group (HMPWG) rewarded with the setting up of a joint meeting in March.