Information about Data Protection
This website gives you the possibility to register to AESGP conferences, meetings, events. Your personal data will be collected and further processed for the purposes detailed hereafter. The relevant processing operations thereof and the conference, meeting, event are under the responsibility of the AESGP staff member managing the conference, workshop, event, acting as the data controller.
1. What personal information do we collect, for what purpose and through which technical means?
The personal data collected and further processed are:
- data necessary for the organisation and management of the conference, workshop, event, e.g. such as gender (needed for the right title), name, surname, profession, postal & e-mail addresses, phone number, fax number;
- photographs/pictures/ video images which could be published in the context of the conference, workshop, event;
- audio recording of interventions of the data subjects which occur during the participation to the conference, meeting, event.
2. Purposes
The purpose of the processing of personal data performed in the context of the conference, meeting, event is the management/organisation of the conference, workshop, event, including management of lists for contacts, invitations, participants, reports, distribution of reports, feedback on reports, follow-up actions, drafting minutes, news, publications photographs/pictures/ video images, presentations, publication on the internet.
The participants who prefer their images are neither taken nor published on any support have the possibility to object.
3. Who has access to your information and to whom is it disclosed?
Some of your personal data (list of participants with names, first names, photos and video images) may be published on the web.
If you do not agree with this publication of your personal data, please opt-out where required or inform the data controller by using the contact information of the conference, meeting, event and explicitly specifying your request.
4. How do we protect and safeguard your information?
The collected personal data and all information related to the above mentioned conference, meeting, event are stored on the AESGP server, the operations of which abide by the AESGP security decisions and provisions established for this kind of servers and services. Audio and video recordings as well as information displayed on the internet/intranet might be stored on servers of external contractors abiding by the necessary security provisions.
5. How can you verify, modify or delete your information?
In case you want to verify which personal data is stored on your behalf by the responsible controller, to have it modified respectively corrected or deleted, please contact AESGP by using the Contact Information of the conference, meeting, event and by explicitly specifying your request. Special attention is drawn to the consequences of a request for deletion, in which case any possibility to be able to contact you will be lost.
If you do not agree with such processing, please contact AESGP by using the contact information of the conference, workshop, event and by explicitly specifying your request.
6. How long do we keep your data?
Your personal data will be part of a list of contact details shared internally amongst the staff of the AESGP for the purpose of contacting you in the future, in the context of the AESGP activities. Photos and video images will be kept until the next conference takes place, for a maximum of 2 years from the day of publication. For audio recordings the retention period is 6 months.
7. Contact Information
If you have questions regarding the organisation of the conference, meeting, event, or concerning any information processed in the context of the conference, workshop, event, or on your rights, feel free to contact the support team, operating under the responsibility of the data controller, using the contact information of the conference, workshop, event.
8. Recourse
Remarks and complaints can be addressed to